Step 1: LISTEN
It is our job to listen, to your needs and desires for your project and make it a reality. In this first step, we’ll discuss, via phone call, your vision for your home or office improvement and then briefly discuss a budget, and other concerns the next step is to have a face-to-face appointment and move to consultation.
After our initial phone call, we will come by your home or office to visualize the future project, as well as discuss your budget in more detail. We will also answer any questions you have about us or our team. It is our desire that we will be able to help you move to the next level.
Step 3: AGREE
We are ready to develop your project: we call this a PDA (project development agreement).
We develop a conceptual floor plan and elevations. Type of construction, insulation, windows, siding, brick stucco ect., cabinet drawings, type of finishes, flooring, appliances, countertops, plumbing fixtures, electrical fixtures, type of trim, doors, ect..
When this information is completed we can begin estimating the cost of your project that reflects your desires. We now have a platform to adjust the drawings and selections to arrive at a cost that fits your budget.
With this complete we can move to contract.
With your approval, we take all the information acquired from the PDA and write a detailed contract that ties to the final construction drawings of your project. This contract will go over all payment schedule, demands of contractor, and owner, it will give out a time line for completion, and expectation of warranty. With contract signed and deposits made we are now ready to move to construction.
We start on every project by writing a schedule that spells out a flow of work and then looking at things that need to be ordered and timed in advance, so they are available when we need them.
Communication is our best tool. It allows for the relationship to build along with your project, this is our biggest opportunity to complete the project with a satisfied owner.
Communication is built on RHR Builders Values; 1- Honor God in every decision, 2- Value and respect every team member of RHR Builders, 3- Respect our client and their property, 4-Innovation and creativity, 5- Keeping clients and the team engaged on meeting or improving the Budget.
At the completion of your job, we will give you your one-year warranty and celebrate the completion of a successful project! At this time, we will also share some helpful hints that will help you maintain the work we have done. This is also a great time for the owner to give feed back to RHR Builders on how we can improve our process to make every client experience better in the future. This can be done through our Facebook page or a letter to our webhost to post.
Our unique process is what makes us the chosen residential general contractors of Southlake and DFW area. Call us today about your New home, Renovating your existing home, or your office renovations.